Chapter 1

Author's NOTE: You can also read this story on Wattpad ( link on profile) where I have uploaded upto 28 chapters (date: 10-02-2024)

I upload every Saturday on both Scrollstack and Wattpad.

Follow me on Scrollstack, Wattpad and Instagram (for spoilers) as well.

Yours Vidhi.

The world welcomed the bright morning. The sweet sunrays fell upon the green trees making them look even more beautiful. Birds started chirping, and the sound of the vehicles covered the silence that was present a moment ago. People got started with their daily activities as usual. Amidst all this chaos going on, there's an interesting thing going on in Kim's Mansion.

At Kim's Mansion

"Tara! Quick come here." Said the elder lady who is the owner of this Mansion and is known by the name Kim Anna. Upon her calling, Tara who is the head maid of the Mansion came running towards her. "There are no strawberry-flavored sweets in this box, you know how much he loves those sweets." She said still searching for the sweets. Tara slowly smiled looking at her before saying, "Relax mam, I have placed an order for those, they will arrive soon and why are you taking so much stress for this, you sit, the rest of the members will take care of everything." 

Kim Anna looked at her before saying, "I m not stressed Tara, I m just excited that my son is coming home after 4 years, you tell me who wouldn't be excited and happy to welcome their son after 4 entire years?" she smiled. Tara smiled at her and said, "Ok I understand your excitement but please don't worry about anything now, lemme get a drink for you" Saying that she left and Anna sat there thinking about her elder son.

At the Airport

In the busy airport, two people with their guards and luxurious cars arrived. They got down and headed inside. They look happy and excited to meet a certain special person. "I don't understand why these people aren't punctual, I wanna meet my bro soon yaa. The younger one whined while the older one smiled at his acts and patted his shoulder before saying, "Relax my dear son Yeonjun, he will arrive soon." The younger one sighed before saying "Mr. Kim Shesh, your older son said that he would be here at this time and it's already been 20 minutes we are waiting here. Idk where's he, till then I will have something and come quickly." He said and ran off. "How much will you eat, you just now had a burger while coming." His words didn't reach him as he had already entered the Cafe nearby. Seeing that Mr. Kim laughed off.

Somewhere in Seoul

(At the same time)

The old abandoned building which was covered with dust and rusted materials heard the terrible screams of a man. "Please don't beat me, I won't ever do that please." He begged the two people who were beating him mercilessly. "You must have thought about the consequences at least once before committing such a mistake."The person replied. Another person continued. "You know what? You have betrayed your own boss for some shitty money you wanted from that dealer, now suffer." Saying this he kicked the man in his stomach.

Suddenly they heard the gunshots from outside before rushing towards the sound. "The dealer you were talking about is here to save me now." Said the man laughing at the other two. They both glared at him and became alert. The sounds of the gunshots increased. They wondered why they were shooting when there were no people down. Then suddenly a man entered the room kicking the door.

The room was quite dark, we could only see the faces if the people stood face to face except there was a bundle of light rays falling from broken glass window in just one direction. The two people were shocked and surprised to see the unknown man. Only his body outline was visible and they instantly knew who it was and why the gunshots stopped because he shot them all. Meanwhile, the man started screaming in happiness. "Look I helped him and he is here to save me." He said but before he could say anything further, a voice stopped him. A shiver ran down the man's spine to hear that voice and the two other guys smirked seeing that man.

"I don't remember you helping me in any way," he said and his deep voice roamed in the large empty room.

"Wh-hat?" the man stuttered because of the shock and fear. "Dear, I m not your dealer who has come to save you," he said stepping ahead where the light from the window slowly started falling on his face making his ethereal and handsome face visible." But I m your ex-boss who is here to kill you mercilessly." Saying that he stabbed the man with a knife he was holding all ago multiple times making that man scream in pain and making his blood splash all over including his own face and clothes. He breathe heavily and threw the knife with full force. "Clean this up and get me my new clothes." He ordered and left the room.

"OMG how can he kill him so mercilessly," the guy said with shock. The other guy smirked and left the room by saying "Because he is merciless, ruthless Mafia King V.


I walked out of that room. That bastard betrayed me by sharing the sensitive information of our Mafia territory with some dealer for some money. I hate betrayals and I don't spare betrayers.

Because of that bastard, my clothes have become dirty, I have to clean myself up soon and change my clothes and then leave for the airport asap. I cleaned the blood off my hands and then my gaze fell upon the bracelet which was tied around my wrist and all the memories started to flood my mind. I shook my head and jerked off my thoughts and again looked at the bracelet, it had blood over it. I took the cloth and cleaned the bracelet until it was shining like before. It is a bracelet given by a special person, it has beads of red and white roses which are placed alternatively and it's so pretty. I looked at it for a long time and slowly kissed the bracelet and let go of all the thoughts about that person before tears could make their way out of my eyes.

My family must be waiting to pick me up.I m so happy and excited to meet my family after 4 years. After completing my post-graduate, I moved to the US to learn business and other higher education things. I stayed there and built my own company with my own hard work. Now I m one of the richest and the most successful businessmen and my company has branches all over the world and is the most famous one. For the world and good ones, I m Kim Taehyung but for the underworld and bad ones, I m Mafia V.

At the Airport

"Dad I finished having my pizza, French fries, cake, and also a drink, but still he didn't arrive?!" Yeonjun said while cutely licking his cone ice cream. Mr Kim chuckled at his childish behavior and said. "You are literally 21 years old and acting like 21 month old baby." He pouted looking at his dad but soon his pout turned into a happy, excited smile. "Dad, brother arrived."

Everyone looked in his direction and smiled. Mr Kim and Yeonjun both smiled seeing their favorite person coming towards them with his beautiful boxy smile, once he arrived he hugged his father."My dear son Taehyung, how are you ,I m so happy to see you after so many years" he said. "Even I m so happy Dad, I was in fact waiting for this day to come, I missed you and mom, Dodo, my friends and everyone here in South Korea, I m glad I m back to my home" he smiled and said with love."

I knew since the beginning that you never liked me." Yeonjun snapped still licking his ice cream with his cute angry pout on display."Why is that so?"Mr Kim asked. "Because when he came he didn't even look at me and didn't hug me and when he was telling about the people he missed, he didn't mention my name at all." Taehyung looked at his little brother throwing tantrums like a child and hugged him tightly."Junu I was just teasing you and yes I missed you more than I missed any other person." He smiled and hugged his brother again, even Yeonjun hugged him back. It was not a little longer when Taehyung felt something cold on his neck and hair and he pushed Yeonjun back and touched the part where he felt cold and when he saw what was there on his hand ,he glared at Yeonjun before chasing him. 

"I m sorry Bro, it happened by mistake" he ran laughing. "You crazy brat I know that was not a mistake, you purposely made that ice-cream of yours brush on my hairs, that's why I didn't want to miss you idiot." He said while running. Mr Kim kept looking at his two kids who were so little grew up this much but still their bond remains the same and equally childish. He shook his head and smiled at his two grown-up sons and walked towards them.

At Kim's Mansion

All the arrangements were done, and all the favorites of Taehyung were cooked and brought. And at the mansion's main door was standing Kim Anna waiting for her lovely son to arrive. Her smile widened and her eyes crinkled to see the cars entering the mansion. Everyone looked happy as they were happy that the family's elder son was coming home after a long time.

The moment Taehyung got out of his car, his eyes landed on beautiful woman standing near the entrance of the mansion smiling ever so brightly and beautifully. Without wasting a single second he ran and hugged his mother, even she hugged him tightly feeling his presence after a long time, tears of happiness streamed out of her eyes as she was so happy. Everyone smiled looking at the beautiful mother-son bond. "Mom I missed you so much" he said."I missed you too Tae." She said and kissed his forehead. 

"OK he is here now at least let him in mam." Said Tara. They smiled and let him inside the mansion. His eyes widened to see all the decorations made with his favorite flowers, yes he loves flowers. "Are these things done for me?" he asked. "Yes, and only for you." His mom said smiling. "Why not for me? You guys never planned anything like this for me." Said Yeonjun again. "It's because you had never been away for a very long time, you were with us all the time, so we didn't miss you."Said Tara. Yeonjun glared at her jokingly. Everyone laughed at the younger one.

"I think I missed so many things" came a female voice. Everyone turned and smiled to see an old lady who is Mr Kim's mother and Taehyung's grandmother as well."Dodo!!" Taehyung happily walked towards her and hugged her."My dear son, how are you?" "I m fine and how are you and where you had been?" he asked her."I had been to the temple to pray for you and everyone'" she said smiling and squished his chubby bread cheeks softly.

Taehyung's POV

After that I was pampered like a child , they made me eat so many things even though I was full, they kept hugging me ,praising me. I felt so alive and happy to be back home again. I missed these things, these pamperings that elders offer me, the unserious arguments between me and Yeonjun, the homely feeling, the smiles and everything. I can't wait to meet my friends too.

I m truly happy.





Lemme know how you felt about my first part. And also if you are comfy with my writing style.

Lots of Love. 

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Just a girl who is trying to be financially independent through her hobby.

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